

After finishing my high school career in 1997 at Swakopmund Secondary School, I left my family home to study further in Drama at the University of Namibia where I earned my Bachelors of Arts Degree.

After this I spread my wings with my, now husband, and visited the UK for 2 years. I also traveled to various places around the UK and Amden in Switzerland.

I returned home in 2005 after the tragic death of my mother. Later that year on the 15th of April I got married.

We returned to my family in-law’s hunting lodge where we worked for a year before we made our return to the capital, Windhoek. I found a job as a Ophthalmologist Assistant. While doing this I started my radio career in 2006 by working part time over weekends at a local radio station called Kudu FM. It was here that another radio station, Kosmos 94.1, heard about me and decided to employ me. I worked with Kosmos 94.1 for 5 years until I went to help my husband in October 2013 with the birth of a new Adult Contemporary station, 1FM, where I presented the Afternoon Drive show until mid January 2016. I am now once again back at Kosmos 94.1 and love every moment!

I also did some TV work for Pasta Polana in 2010/2011.

Bank Windhoek – ATKV Donsie Award – 2013
Bank Windhoek – ATKV Pluimpie Award – 2016